So as we slide towards the end of week 4 it’s been another busy week.
Lots of new contacts for new groups wanting us to provide sessions for them. I am very grateful to the people who share our details after enjoying what we deliver with them.
Some exciting things happening over the summer holidays as a result… .. Watch this space to see what we do for them – exciting!
Congratulations to Julie Speltinckx who was one of the sessions coaches I part funded through the Archery in Education project, and who, after helping with the out of school setting group in Northamptonshire, has trusted in herself, and started her school group who have had a great beginning over the last several weeks and have now broken up for the summer holidays. It will be great to see what happens for them from September.
On top of that I have been arranging my couple of days at the youth festival after being asked to go and support some amazing juniors and, of course, preparing for my extended week volunteering at the European championships in just a couple of weeks.
But for today, it’s paperwork and showing you my shirts! So here they are…..!!
I love them and cannot wait to get my first order so I can be wearing them. So grateful to Neil for taking the information I gave him, giving me 8 designs, letting me tweak things and here we go – the two I have chosen with the help of my team selected to share ideas and opinions.