Flight Archery Fun

Having started shooting in 2018 I had been firmly a target archer, shooting competition almost every weekend. I had a little go at clout archery and watched a bit of field, but target was where I happily stayed, concentrating on how to stay in my sport as my body began to break down.

Then came covid and lockdown .

In 2021 as life began to return to normal I started to book myself back in to competition but there were some gaps in the calendar, so I reached out on social media to look for events . Across the virtual world the hand of archery friendship invited me to join the national flight competition on 15/8/21. Reassuring me that they would teach me on the field !! At the national championships – 😱

So off I set on that Sunday morning to drive from Northamptonshire to Leeds and shoot 4 ends of 6 arrows. It wasn’t going to take long – right?


But it was the most amazing day of fun, meeting some of the most welcoming people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

By the end of the day I had 4 national medals and found a place I love!

Amongst this place – which I often describe as scrapyard challenge meets archery – I found something I loved and started to make plans for 2022 and the flight season – I knew I wanted to earn a raptor badge at the very least in 2022.

Along with my own shooting also thinking how I could help others to learn about this style of archery, which is restricted due to the length required for the range.

Here fits in my adopted club, Riverside Archery Club, who had created a presentation to be delivered by a team of flight archery ambassadors. So I offered to learn and deliver the presentation for them locally, and in the area that I am prepared to travel, to introduce others to flight archery.

So here I am having completed my first workshop presentation to a group of archers on the 10th September 2022 and have more booked for 2023.

11th September 2022 saw me go to my second national championships, this time bringing home 2 golds, a silver and a bronze and a love for shooting footbow! I did indeed achieve my goal of my first raptor badge, a Merlin and also my masters classification, cannot wait until next season!

So get in touch and I will come and share a taste of flight archery with you, and keep your eye open because I am hoping to help add another competition to the flight calendar but in our neck of the woods – exciting!!!