60 days!

So, 60 days, I like that number, don’t know why!

This week had been lots of catching up with projects and planning as people return from holiday. A couple of new events being planned and generally updating ongoing projects.

This might not sound exciting but delivering in the existing 18 schools and working towards the 39 looking to come on board, along with trying to resolve the issues around my out of school setting group is incredibly important for those children and I am excited that the approaching new school year will let me catch up with them all and see how they are getting on.

I am also awaiting news on my application to join the “sport for development coalition”, more news on this as the application progresses but I am excited to see how new links can be made to work together and I imagine will be similar to the work I do with the activity partnership, providing access to my sport, but also working with multi sports meetings to look at how we can create change together.

So this midweek review is short but don’t under estimate the work I am doing in the background .