Where did those first 3 weeks go!! Amazing

wow! 3 weeks, it’s been busy and I still have so very much to do but I can see it coming together and the support and help I have had has blown me away. It’s entirely taken me by surprise how many people believe in me and want to work with me. I genuinely didn’t know – so thank you all so very very much.

So the paperwork to register as a Community Interest Company is sat in the inbox of a civil servant, having been one for so many years I know I just have to wait for that to be processed and I can guarantee you will all know as soon as I do, what their reply is.

I have a shirt design, now I just need to get them ordered because we know archers look at shirts and this will be huge to get it out there.

So, what has happened in week 3?

A fantastic meeting with a new county that looks like once we get going will very quickly become as big as Northamptonshire. I have collaborated with 3 counties in small ways and it’s nice to see them doing their thing, any new experience is what we want regardless of numbers. This however, did really show me exactly what my knowledge and experience can achieve, how quickly the ideas can move because I have all of that to draw upon. Already emails have been sent out to ask for schools to pilot, a number of clubs looking to join us, 3 local authorities and the school groups. Amazing what can be achieved when you sit 5 like minded people around the table for 2.5 hours.

A visit to a local inclusive sports club run by Northamptonshire Carers wanting to restart archery after a 5-6 year break. A wonderful couple of hours and so much planned for what we can make happen there to get them up and running and self sustaining in no time and the interest of 2 local clubs offering support.

A day of archery at Wrenn School for a hard working group of young carers. Despite the crazy temperatures they had a fantastic day and it was a pleasure to spend the day giving them the experience. So many plans made for the next academic year to get them up and running as a club and to have archery put back into their school curriculum. This is definitely going to be one to watch, those children have plans. Big thanks to Maggie and Jack for their help on the day.

I never take for granted that people allow me to support them and as I sat doing mountains of paperwork on Saturday I received a text from an archer that I have been supporting through their change. In short, they didn’t feel that they could stay, they felt in the way, a burden to others at the competition. Why? The biggest battle with change is your own mind, it’s so very very hard. However, can I just ask that we all think about what we say? A comment in passing by someone just knocked the confidence that he had in being there. It was likely said without thought or intention, but I have witnessed and experienced those comments, I know the damage that the can do. Ours is possibly the most inclusive sport there is, there is a place for everyone. Remember that you do not know what battles anyone else is facing to please so to quote Thumper in Bambi – “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”

I am pleased to say that with some encouragement and support he stayed and finished his day, I know what it is to leave and how hard that makes it to go out to the next competition, I also know how lonely sitting on that line can feel. Well done my friend, I am proud of you.

To end this week’s round up I must thank Gaynor Hutchison at GH coaching services who has delivered 6 weeks of archery for 2 groups at Greens Norton Primary School along with a series of sessions at Northampton College for a group of SEND students. The feedback is that all 40 students across the three groups have had an excellent time. Your work has been very much appreciated.

Red tape and progress!! exciting and scary stuff still!!

So as I race towards the end of week 2 things are progressing well, I never imagined creating my own business was in my future and 12 months ago I thought I knew exactly who I was collaborating with and the path that my projects were on and where the future would take us.

Here I am striking out with my work, owning it and moving forward, the steps in the last 3 months and the support that I have found have definitely made me believe that I can do this and though alone, with the backing of friends, family and people who want to work with me I am not truly alone. We’ve got this – though there is a lack of team when I am doing my usual 3am emailing – lol – apparently everyone else likes sleep!! Does no-one else recall Bon Jovi declaring we can sleep when we are dead!!

So week two saw the school games (always a privilege to wear my county shirt) and firming of a couple of events that will be happening in week 3, new children will have bows in their hands this coming Friday so that should be great fun. We know the weather looks good too so all systems go there.

A meeting this week with a new county who have been talking things over with me, see what we can achieve together there as there are already schools waiting to get on board.

A bunch of primary schools looking to get on board after last weeks events – is there a collective word for a group of schools?

The biggest news from a new set up point of view is the decisions that I have made regarding exactly how to proceed with this, my interest has never been about profit, it’s been about delivering the amazing things that archery can provide and as long as the coaches get paid that’s what counts, however I do incur costs and it has been pointed out that this must stop, so after looking at the various options of social enterprise I believe I have made the right choices and now we wait for the government bodies to check it all over and come back to me.

Today, amongst the very many emails that I have been sending I have also been looking at my shirt designs from Neil at Lionhart who has managed to pull out some cracking ideas from the messy information that I gave him! Now I just need to decide which two I want! Definitely check them out if you are looking for anything yourself.

Right I am off to shoot some arrows now, did I mention that I scored a PB in the short metric round practise this week – yeah!!

Please also be aware that there are been several pieces of serious news this week for my wider circle of family and though you will continue to get replies on the same day they may not be in my usual, swift reply within moments, way.

Take care in the sun please – despite becoming a sun care ambassador I have been a very poor role model for how to avoid sunburn this last few weeks!! I must try harder to look after me too.

First week recap

Where has the week gone?

Last Monday I was sat discussing what I wanted and or hoped for going forward for the work that I do, existing and new projects.
If I might actually be brave enough to project manage everything alone, could I achieve it? – If I was brave enough – absolutely I could!!

Helped by an amazing pep talk from one of my shooting buddies, who explained that there is a fork in my river of dreams and I have to decide if I am letting people stay in my boat or not. Then a reminder to make sure that I only leave the hat shop with my own hat because I have a habit of collecting everyone’s hat and as the hat represents blame – it’s really time to make others carry their own!

A surprising chat but certainly motivated me, by morning I had a team brainstorming ideas for names and then an amazing friend had created me my beautiful logo, which may look simple but is packed full of my personality – and when my website is sorted I cannot wait to have him add his idea of what he is putting there for me!!

So, here I am, having created a brand of my own! wow!

The reaction and support that I have received has blown me away.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me this last week, I do appreciate it so very much.

So what is happening this coming week?

After a great weekend at Lilleshall (which Jack once declared is Hogwarts for archers), I have confirmed the arrangements for my competition volunteering for the rest of the outdoor season – if you have never volunteered at national events please do consider it, they are a very warm and welcoming crew and we do have fun whilst putting on the events .

I had been asked to join a county archer for support in their first “big” archery competition, as suspected she didn’t need me, proved by the medal she brought home with her. So I kept myself busy volunteering at the other end of the field and even got a couple of people up and helping who had never thought that they might!

A close friend who has been a lynch pin in my care this last 7 months commented on how happy I looked helping on the field. Volunteering is, without doubt, a place that makes my mind relax. Archery ranges just sooth me, no matter if I am shooting or helping.

This week will see me tidying up the website and social media that I have created and adding the remaining content.

Along with getting my assignment in, project meetings and making arrangements for 2 new schools who have contacted me in the last few days.

Also, please remember that a thank you can go very long way and can mean a lot to the person receiving it!

I was lucky enough to get some this weekend.

A thank you can go a long way xx