6 weeks and I am now the director of a ” community interest company ” !!!!

So, here we are, 6 weeks from deciding I needed to grab what I wanted or certainly what I knew I could continue alone, from the work I had been doing for several years, work I am passionate about and believe in. I have collaborated in that time and will continue to do so with like minded people, but now who I am, what l have already achieved and what I think I can still achieve is clearly laid out and is protected for the future. (As for the projects I have had to step away from? Maybe the future will see me involved, maybe it wont – we can only wait and see, they are all work that I believe in and have worked hard on).

The government have, on my third submission, accepted all of the outlines and explanations and can now clearly see my plan and have registered my limited guarantee, social enterprise, community interest company – or CIC for short!

28/6/22 to 8/8/22 – I am proud of what I have achieved so far.

Thank you to every one who has shown support to me since 22/11/21 and especially in the last 3 months.

Never do I take anyone for granted and I certainly wouldn’t have found my feet without you all.

So what else has happened this week?

Conversations with 2 new schools, plans with existing schools, communication with a new county, and the beginnings of my own archery club!

Emails sent to AGB, my first meeting with my new club committee and the early conversation with the county. Eek! not a step I expected to have to consider but necessary.

First shirt order sent off – excited to see them being worn on ranges in several areas of the country soon. Thank you to everyone who has ordered one.

Also the bookings for my first 3 flight archery workshop presentations – exciting! More news to follow on flight in the coming weeks and months but the first competition of the season sees me earn my masters classification in flight archery!

Just aheads up, Friday I shall be off to Lilleshall for 10 days of volunteering at the European Youth Championships – I will be answering emails but not as quickly as I might ordinarily.