A little bit different as we head towards week 6

This mid week post is a little different and it’s not often this kind of post will occur but it is my website and I think it’s important to remember some things.

Though I started volunteering at the age of 16 it wasn’t until I was 21 that I made a promise to myself that if I came through an horrifying event, that I would spend my life trying to make a difference in some way.

As I was experiencing my own trauma I recalled two years earlier sitting at work early in my civil service career, listening to the mother of Suzy Lamplugh talk to us about the importance of keeping ourself safe and thinking how I had let her down.

It is the 35th anniversary of the disappearance of Suzy and her parents used their experience to help others by creating the Suzy Lamplugh Trust . This was my first real awareness that some people use terrible events to create something positive . Something I always stand in awe of.

If you have read the pages of my website you will have seen my page regarding knife crime and the national anti violence campaign . How I recently joined off the street in their march, our starting point was the location where the most recent fatal stabbing had occurred just last year. I was privileged to meet Dylan’s family and also other families who have suffered tragedy through senseless acts of violence. This week saw the conclusion of the trial into Dylan’s death and I am painfully reminded that we need to do more to give our young people an alternative place to belong than gangs – that place could be in sport .

So as I sit here worrying about if I am good enough to do my bit to make a difference – it’s ok to be a little bit scared and excited about my new path and the achievements both small and large .

I am again thankful to those who are like minded and want to make a difference too and whether we can work together or simply support each other to achieve our aims then this week has surely reminded me of why we are trying .