First week recap

Where has the week gone?

Last Monday I was sat discussing what I wanted and or hoped for going forward for the work that I do, existing and new projects.
If I might actually be brave enough to project manage everything alone, could I achieve it? – If I was brave enough – absolutely I could!!

Helped by an amazing pep talk from one of my shooting buddies, who explained that there is a fork in my river of dreams and I have to decide if I am letting people stay in my boat or not. Then a reminder to make sure that I only leave the hat shop with my own hat because I have a habit of collecting everyone’s hat and as the hat represents blame – it’s really time to make others carry their own!

A surprising chat but certainly motivated me, by morning I had a team brainstorming ideas for names and then an amazing friend had created me my beautiful logo, which may look simple but is packed full of my personality – and when my website is sorted I cannot wait to have him add his idea of what he is putting there for me!!

So, here I am, having created a brand of my own! wow!

The reaction and support that I have received has blown me away.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me this last week, I do appreciate it so very much.

So what is happening this coming week?

After a great weekend at Lilleshall (which Jack once declared is Hogwarts for archers), I have confirmed the arrangements for my competition volunteering for the rest of the outdoor season – if you have never volunteered at national events please do consider it, they are a very warm and welcoming crew and we do have fun whilst putting on the events .

I had been asked to join a county archer for support in their first “big” archery competition, as suspected she didn’t need me, proved by the medal she brought home with her. So I kept myself busy volunteering at the other end of the field and even got a couple of people up and helping who had never thought that they might!

A close friend who has been a lynch pin in my care this last 7 months commented on how happy I looked helping on the field. Volunteering is, without doubt, a place that makes my mind relax. Archery ranges just sooth me, no matter if I am shooting or helping.

This week will see me tidying up the website and social media that I have created and adding the remaining content.

Along with getting my assignment in, project meetings and making arrangements for 2 new schools who have contacted me in the last few days.

Also, please remember that a thank you can go very long way and can mean a lot to the person receiving it!

I was lucky enough to get some this weekend.

A thank you can go a long way xx