Volunteering, friends and rewards

So this weekend sees the last AGB tournament of 2022. What do I get out of giving my time to these events? The privilege of being part of an amazing team who together put on world class events.

The only way you can find out how much you can enjoy it is to have a go. So why not take a look and see what you could be involved in.

Is it hard work? Yes. Will you enjoy it? I would be surprised if you don’t!! Will you want to do it again? I believe so!! My family of blue shirts are pretty amazing and achieve fantastic events by being the best team there is.

This weekend my amazing friend is joining us – let’s see how she gets on.

With everything that has gone on this year I had withdrawn from competition volunteering but that didn’t last very long did it 😂

I have volunteered at:

Junior National Outdoor Championships

European Youth Championships

European Para Championships

National Tour Finals

AGB National County Team Competition

AGB National Indoor Championships

Junior National Indoor Championships

18 days – you don’t have to give that much of your time 😂but I think you should give it a try and see what you think.

I was asked why I hadn’t just walked away this year and why I stayed with my sport and fought for my projects. There are still days I see it as a possibility- but it takes care of me as much as I take care of it! Plus I only have to start looking at stats to remind myself of what I am doing it for. I have been looking at numbers in a big way for the last month. I will share more of these another day but how about this one? Every week in Northamptonshire alone my Archery In Education project sees 225 children shoot on a weekly basis, that doesn’t include the ones who drop in for a taste!

Worth fighting for surely? Then there are my other projects!!

I have not lost sight of the ones I had to drop either, every now and then I look at them and ponder, could I pick them back up? It would be a lot on my own and at the moment I have to be realistic and say no.

Right I need a cuppa, see you Tuesday for 23 weeks!!

Quit, change, challenge? Your choice!

Apologies this is a day late, I had drafted my blog Friday evening ready to tweak a little after my first day of training with disability sports coach but we finished earlier than expected and as I took myself for a stroll I thought of an entirely different blog. Unsure which to publish I decided to wait and it was the right decision as I have decided that both deserve to be seen, so here is my originally planned blog and I shall tweak the other and it will be published next Saturday.

Several months ago I was asked about my previously published blogs and if I would link them here, I asked permission several times about adding links to that website here on mine and never received a reply. So, after some quick checks to cover the legalities, I have gradually reposted them here, and I thank those people who pushed me, because they do continue to open conversation and discussion and new people have reached out to chat with me who have seen things relevant to them in what I have written, it’s always humbling to have someone read my blog and then share their story, I carry each with me like treasure because I know it’s not easy to share.

My last republished blog is about trying something new, pushing your boundaries, rejuvenating what’s happening. At the time this was originally written I had been struggling with my body breaking down and moving to seated and the opinions that came with that, but a hand of archery friendship invited me to try something new and it gave me the boost to stay with my bow. It has definitely been the biggest part of why I haven’t quit this year too.

There is no secret that I am passionate that our sport is adaptive in such an exceptional way that it doesn’t exclude anyone and I continue to work daily on getting new people to pick up a bow.

Within this, what I have discovered is their is a shortage of people available to deliver adaptive sports to those who want to take part, after seeing the inclusive activity leaders course advertised on the Parasport website, I decided to apply.
I have been quite vocal for years about not being a coach, many people telling me to go for it, it’s really not something I ever wanted, but I find myself in a position of having to take an archery instructors course, something that I have been quite resentful for (thank you to those who have had to listen to me snarl and stamp my feet about it). The disability sports coach course has also made me feel much more positive about that, it’s no longer about being prepared for when I am let down and jumping in to deliver sessions, it’s now about having the ability to deliver 6 sports to those looking to access them.

So are you struggling with staying positive, thinking of quitting or cannot remember where you left your motivation? Sure you can sit on the sofa under a blanket, and I do that when I need to, or you could try something new, it can be small, but it might light a spark. Give it a go!


Originally Published 27th August 2021 by Aim4sport.

Having been shooting for 3 years and half of that in a pandemic and the various happenings of 2020 my goals slid and for various reasons I sat down on several occasions with the very real question around quitting everything related to my sport.

I have always enjoyed competing (my first season saw me shoot 26 competitions) – it gives me focus on the days I don’t want to pick up my bow to practise.

I am not interested in beating others – just in pushing myself.

So 2021, I managed to start to settle with the changes I had been forced to make to continue shooting but I needed to find competitions, I enjoy going to new clubs, new places – whilst I have met some people with “interesting” views the majority of archery clubs and archers are incredibly welcoming and I find you don’t feel like a stranger very often.

With the current situation, many clubs have had to cancel or postpone competition which is very understandable. So I threw out a request on social media with some dates I had no plans for.

I was quickly given some ideas and the one that really sparked my interest was a suggestion I could step outside my comfort zone and try flight archery. The offer came via Ian Norwood of Riverside archers who assured me that I would be very welcome and supported if I turned up to the competition having never shot a flight arrow and I could enter the target bow category.

Some quick research made me realise that with little adjustments I could have a go and test my boundaries and generally just have some fun!!

So Sunday 15/8/21 I found myself on the airfield at Church Fenton to learn to shoot flight at the national championships!

What can I say? It has been amazing day spent with fantastic people who have the most positive attitude towards our sport! No grumpy faces just a genuine anticipation of what may be achieved during the day by those who are on the line. And we saw a world record taken with a shot at over 900 metres!!

I say we saw – as a target archer it’s a little unnerving that we don’t actually see anything – we fire the arrows into the sky with no hope of seeing where they are going you cannot possibly follow them with your eye!

We are also used to the “no coaching from the line” rule – so to stand on the shooting line and as you draw an arrow a voice calls out “Helen I’ve got you” and the chaos of voices vanishes as you focus on that one voice who guides you to try and ensure that together your arrow is released at the optimum moment – truly team work.

I was adopted by Riverside archers before the day and they were amazing in their support of me, but for anyone wanting to try and knowing no one when you arrive don’t worry about that – they are the most welcoming group I think you will meet.

With no disrespect, as I am a target archer, and I fully understand the mindset – can you imagine arriving at the national championships having never given it a go and being asked by the tournament organiser if there was anyone there who had never tried? To find yourself surrounded by people who will then help you achieve your best on the day?

So, as there were no other female compounders I came away with 4 gold medals and being declared national champion in 4 categories. I had gone to the event with the aim of taking on category C – target bow compound.

I was encouraged to play with the other 3 categories so I did, these would definitely have belonged to someone else had there been entries with relevant kit.

My category C? Well we’ll never know – had another lady arrived with target bow and arrows it would have been fun for sure to have someone for comparison.

I know I was short by some way of the record for the distance shot in that category, but I also know my score would have been valid to earn a Merlin badge in the raptor scheme if I could achieve a second score to support it.

However, I now have to wait until next August to enter all 3 flight competitions – see if I can earn that badge in the award scheme, make some small tweaks to my category C kit and wonder should I consider another bow style to try in a different category! I have after all been playing recently with longbows!

I have to thank John Marshall for loaning me transport when my own car failed it’s MOT 36 hours before the competition!!

Benjamin Horner, Dave Leader and Daniel Smitton for their help letting me bounce around ideas and plans to prep and get ready. Most declared my plan to be lunacy so thank you for embracing my plans.

And the very best wishes to all at Riverside archers for the next 11 months and I will hope to see you all on the 7th, 14th and 21st of August 2022.

2022 – still encouraging me to move forward and push my boundaries

18 weeks and what we all know, collaborating is stronger than competing against each other – strength in numbers!

Sorry Gareth, almost all of the photos of Deb and I have at least one other person in them! 😂🫣

What I have long believed in, is the power of sharing and supporting each other. That coming together with a common goal allows us to achieve so much more than if we see each other as competition and we try and hide what we are doing to keep it for ourselves.

I have known my friend Deb Horn for a long while and since we both volunteer at Archery GB competitions we often chat about what we are doing and how we are getting on. In short, we both have a passion for our sport and what we can help people gain by bringing it to them. We both have been working exceptionally hard in grassroots sports with a significant interest in children and how we can bring archery to them in any education setting.

Whilst we have both started from different points we found ourselves in the same place as far as barriers and issues towards what we are trying to achieve. I had already spent hours in meetings with the national governing body looking at what we could do to move some of these issues. Then when I thought we had found a solution, the club who were going to be collaborating with me and my archery in education project to pilot our plan, stepped away. As I worked on how I could adjust my plan and make a new way forward, whilst preventing the same risks occurring later down the line if I work with anyone new, I found myself at Lilleshall chatting with Deb and the issues we were each facing. So I shared my newly revised plan and asked if she would like to run a second pilot along side me.

A meeting in August with Archery GB to explain what we wanted to do, looking at my work which they knew in detail and describing how Deb found herself in the same place via a different route and the agreement was made. Middle of September some final details sorted to make it work in practise and off we set. Integr8Archery Club had to launch by 1st October through urgent necessity but now I can proudly say my friend is ready to go with Arcus Archery!! 🥳

So watch this space because I believe that over the coming months we shall prove that supporting each other in common goals only makes us stronger and that there is no place for divisive attitudes. We want a world where equality, diversity and inclusion are the norm and we have both seen, for ourselves, what not just sport, but real examples of what archery can do to help change lives. Exciting times ahead Deb Horn lets see what we can do and I am proud of what Integr8archery and Arcus Archery will support each other to achieve.

17 weeks, amazing schools, fantastic children and a new avenue to offer more scope.

Amazing children only starting but with a determination to achieve self set goals.

So another busy, busy week.

So what have I been up to?

A social evening of thanks from Northamptonshire Sports for the volunteers at events in 2022, a great way to properly chat to those we see when working together at sporting events and actually really motivating to discuss what we all do this for, so many people ask why I give my time so regularly to others. Talking about sports we personally do and those we most prefer to volunteer at, so for me archery, running and open water swimming. Outside of my own sport I have to say I think my most enjoyable event this year was probably the pride colour run, such a great atmosphere.

The second evening of PACE ( parents against child exploitation), this is a series of 4 webinars and is open to those who care for and work with children and young people. This is a topic I have covered in my working life and have had some dealings with but these sessions are so much more. Heavy topic? absolutely, but county lines is a very real issue and something we may see signs of when working with children. As a safeguarding officer I have had children disclose information as I am a safe adult.

This session was especially emotional as the amazing Kendra of Out of the Shadows told her story, another amazing person using their own experience to teach and inspire and bring about change.

Another day of archery at Wrenn school to showcase what we have planned – curriculum, after school and a club. It was great to catch up with the children we spent the day with in July and meet a couple of new children picking up a bow. They have thought so much about what they want to aim for since those conversations in the early summer and it was fantastic to speak with representatives of the trust, especially as a second school from the trust is looking to follow a similar path. Our plans with Wrenn have hit some bumps in the road not created by the school or Integr8Archery but with continuous open communication we are figuring ways around the issues whilst we await those responsible to step up and resolve. I am genuinely excited to see what these children will achieve by the summer of 2023, I will keep you updated.

2 assignments submitted for my course, grant applications submitted for some of the groups.

My induction completed and my previously completed charter confirmed for the Sport for Development Coalition, another great group of like minded people trying to bring about change through sport. I have signed up to a number of things already, so no doubt I will be sharing more information over the coming months, is there anything more important for us to focus on other than Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, access to sport for all, and advocacy?

I got to catch up with one of my out of school setting children who attended our sessions on a Monday, at that time he was an alternate placement child. He is now back in mainstream school and taking part in archery there as the school is one of the schools in my archery in education project. How fantastic to see sport help him ease back into mainstream setting with his peers.

The other piece of news, which I am really excited about is that after being on a waiting list to start my coaching course with the Inclusive Activity Leader Program with the Disability Sports Coaching group, I was interviewed and accepted and I start my 6 months course on the 12th November and after 50-60 hours of class and placement I should be all set to help deliver 5 (Boccia, Polybat, Table Cricket, New Age Kurling and Goalball) sports in an adaptive environment. Without a doubt I am passionate about my sport and all that can be achieved with archery, but inclusion and the issues around it sees one of the biggest issues being availability of providers for adaptive sports, so lets set about increasing access by learning more sports to deliver.

Pride colour run, permission to be as silly as you like – what’s not to love!

Heading towards week 10! planning, planning, planning ….

Almost 10 weeks, but that immediately makes me think that I’m heading towards 13 weeks which will be three months! What do I want to have achieved by 3 months!

Well this week, so far, lots of emails, calls and a couple of meetings regarding archery in education, helping DISC, Northamptonshire Carers get archery back up and running.
A couple of new groups reaching out to see what we can do together.

Collecting kit from a school who have dropped out of the programme, no archery shot there for a year and I have to say, lessons learned about who and how I trust when they spoke to me on arrival to collect! However the kit is going to be used to boost a school who are turning their group into a club and will satellite through Integr8archery Club.

I have joined the Sport for Development Coalition, lots more to come there. Signed up to the Belong network and completed lots there, including my plan and evaluation schedule.

Spoken to EMAS regarding the safeguarding role, my thoughts around the last 5-10 years, explain the last 9 months and where I am currently, what I intend to do to create change. Pleased to say they heard me, believe in me and I am back in the role, I am immensely grateful for their support since I turned to them in May, I needed to breathe and they allowed me to do that.

I don’t think that’s too shabby for 4 days in week 10!

8 weeks, big decisions and hard work but here we are!

8 weeks! This still feels unreal, but here we are.

So, I had to cancel 2 events whilst I was away after being let down and this never sits well with me. I am trying to make arrangements to provide something for the children who have missed out, so hopefully more to come on that in the future.

10 days at Lilleshall didn’t see me stop work on the projects. A meeting with a manufacturer regarding a prototype item that both Integr8Archery and someone else wants, sees that hopefully coming soon, but also a number of other items discussed along with some input (gratefully received), of volunteers sat with us sees several new ideas for new reactive bosses. Those who know me well know how difficult I find it to sit when I am waiting so please remember that 😂 – sorry, not sorry!!!

A chat with the National Governing Body regarding the pilot we had previously built for a new kind of club, just because the original plan has failed because people have stepped away doesn’t mean the plan has fallen apart, and they have given permission for Integr8Archery club to form and run the pilot.

Lots of conversation with my friend Deb Horn, as we have been talking for weeks, sees several collaborations starting and she will also be trying the new club plan, we have each found ourselves at the same point but from different starting places. Excitingly sharing the next step as we each aim for non profit ways to put bows in the hands of children.

Conversations with a number of people around funding for different things, all very positive and I am very optimistic about what we might be able to do.

Just in case that wasn’t enough I had some conversations around the thoughts that I have had about bringing my long held plans to start judging at 50 forward and the amazing amount of knowledge shared with the fantastic team of judges I was caring for certainly helped me with the thinking, for which I am grateful.

To relax a little yesterday we had our latest arts and crafts archery session, this sees us shoot to create tie dye shirts, always exciting and we always get fantastic results. Thank you as ever to Fii for doing the organising.

Right, off to sort the emails, stay safe and shoot strong.