week 94 – heading towards that 2nd anniversary 🥰

Sunday was beautiful, out in the sunshine shooting with great company, followed yesterday by howling winds, hail stones and some serious rain, plus putting the heating back on! Certainly made me feel less like I was missing out by having a study day in the little office at work away from everyone and everything 😂 good results for my 1st marked assignment and a lot of my work written up for my portfolio for my level 5.

Today is my bank holiday in lieu for having worked Easter Monday, so I stayed in my pjs late this morning and watched a movie, but I forgot to get myself and Easter egg! 😂🫣

Caught up with emails and messages over a cuppa now too. This last week has been a good week, meetings with some of the people I have met over recent weeks at different events to discuss what they want and what I can provide, exciting as always. Also a couple of reviews for existing projects which I always enjoy, discussing what’s going well and what improvements can be made is always good and I am often bemused by those who see reviews as negative.

A couple of coffees with archers who are friends and sharing a catch up.

I may have taken time since January to step back and breathe and being doing less, remember my less means I am still giving around 20 hours a week to other people’s archery. It’s also very interesting as it is allowing me to observe things that are happening and helping me set priorities for the 3rd year of integr8archery CIC as it approaches, exciting times for sure and certainly one of the advantages of being me in charge of my projects.

I had a great time volunteering at the foster families fun day this week, as always I am quick to have a bit of face paint and maximise the glitter 😜 spent the day with some amazing families and enjoying being part of their fun.

Right, off to look at the planning of my own shooting and get some of the competition enteries in, I have set myself some targets for the 2024 outdoor season and also making some decisions about where I will be shooting my practise arrows.

I am also very much enjoying the conversations with so many of my archery friends and contacts about Warhammer, it’s not a surprise that so many of us do it, a lot of what it gives us is the same as what we get from archery, great head space, routine, structure and peace. So grateful that Jack got me my first box for Christmas, he was right about what I would get from it, and it is certainly helping with the fine motor skills and the issues from the damaged nerves in my hand. 4 months in and my first army is at 1880 points and I considering which will be my next army!

Whatever you are doing, enjoy and I will see you on the range soon I am sure. ❤️🏹

week 93 – studying, crazy work weekend and a few arrows


Busy week, started with the radio on the Wednesday, then some planning meetings, then the crazy weekend where I work from Friday to Monday and it is a lot but it’s so worth it too. It is a privilege to be allowed into the life’s of these young people and especially when I get things like this –

I love that so many people keep me updated with what is happening in their archery and other achievements but especially on these weekends when I am cut off from you all.

Then the results from the Virtual Archery League and after taking part every year since 19/20 I was thrilled to discover I had earned the gold medal for my division, first time I have earned a medal here and it feels good, particularly after seriously questioning if it was time to quit rather than face the next battle of change in my quest to continue shooting, but when your friend gets the manufacturer to donate new cams to me, the county captain fitted them to my bow and then stood by me as I made the decisions to carry my shooting forwards.

Home from work, sleep, caught up with the emails, messages and everything else and then study! I am currently doing three different courses and may loose my marbles by the time I get to the end of them 😂 Level 3 in Residential Children’s Care, level 4 Accredited Qualification in Child Sexual Exploitation and level 5 in Positive Behaviour Support. So if I say I am studying – I really am 😂😂😂

So that’s my week! I love this sport, I love the privilege of being allowed to introduce people to it and for those in it who need a cheerleader, supporter and/or friend – these people share with me their moments ❤️🏹

week 92 – sharing the sport – radio!

Well it’s been a busy week, hospital appointments- things cleared off the list but new things added and so more people getting involved, my girlie will get there eventually but she’s amazing and her bow brings her peace whilst everything is still in the air. So proud of her 🤗

Meetings, lots of them!

Afternoon with the guides who are prepping to host their first start archery event in May and wanted some advice and help with kit maintenance and preparation, and hot cross buns enjoyed all round since it was Easter weekend!

Although it was technically in the next week, BBC radio Northampton asked if I would like to join them on the breakfast show on 3/4/24 for a chat on air. This was a great chance to speak about how accessible our sport is, a follow up to my previous chat on 10/1/23 and following the look east tv crew spending a morning with myself and Deb a month ago. The TV session had been as a result of Nick Wilson and a conversation he had with the BBC around accessible activity and sports. Ultimately they didn’t use archery in the tv airing but many thanks to Deb for the time she gave not only shooting under intense pressure but the interview she gave. The good news is that from the radio piece I have had a number of people make contact so it was worth the early studio time.


go to 3/4/24 at 7:47 and you can hear me 🙃

This weekend is my work weekend Friday until Monday I will be mostly unavailable so apologies upfront for any delays in replies.

Have a good weekend, they claim it’s going to be a warm one.

week 91 – a year and 9 months!

Wow! It never doesn’t amaze me what I am achieving with my “little business” – I hear dad in my mind often and his supoort and chats were so important. I wish I could chat with him now 🤗

I said I was stepping back to concentrate on the issues we have going on outside of archery but I am still very happy with the number for this quarter, what a three months it’s been – in and outside of archery! 🤔 but I think things are a little more settled though there are still lots of hospital appointments as we try and get answers outside of sport.

Mostly this is just another thank you, thank you for supporting me, to the many of you who have respected my reduction in hours given, it does mean I don’t have to stop altogether if I can focus where I need to when I need to.

indoor season is over, I am happy with the little things that I have achieved but haven’t been able to focus on my shooting so that needs to change and I have booked in some competitions to get my motivation back.

So what has been achieved in this 3 months? Lots of meetings, the start of my role as vice chair of NFDS, and as for bows I hands?

Schools – 93 new hands but some returners too.

children in care – 8

disability groups – 19

along with helping 3 people return to the sport, met by chance but loving hearing how they are settling in the new spaces I have helped introduce them to.

For a period that I am sat back and doing less I am thrilled with those numbers.

Have a great Easter break

Week 90 – wow almost another quarter has passed!

When I think back to 2021 and early 2022 and the plans that I had worked hard on for years and now things were going to launch from June 2022 to October 2023, the excitement of all of my work coming together across a total of 17 projects!

Then the destruction that was unleashed and where that left me. The amazing people who stood by me, who never gave up.

The decision, nerve wracking as it was to pull 8 of my projects out of that fire and create Integr8archery CIC and how my work in the time since has solidified my belief in what I can do, alone, but with the right people who I choose to work with.

The right groups and organisations that I have chosen to join or collaborate with and what I have been able to achieve. As I am looking at the latest figures for sharing next week I am pleased, they look great and that’s knowing that I have stepped back a little to concentrate on health and home whilst we await answers.

So this last week has seen 3 webinars, the Northamptonshire together fund event, some meetings with new interested parties wanting to discuss how we might get things started for them and a couple of review meetings for ongoing sessions, these are always a good way of keeping things working, and can re-energise sessions.

Lots planned for this coming week, training, studying and meetings, looking forward to Saturday evening and an invitation from friends made at one of our groups sessions.

So, whatever you are doing, stay well and enjoy it all. It’s true what they say, the dark will eventually pass, do I wobble? Yes! But I have most certainly found peace and the ability to forgive myself for trusting the wrong people. I am stood on solid ground, I am waiting for answers on something important, but I also have changed how I look at that whole situation too, I am never going to regret raising my voice for the safety of others, what happens, happens. Sending the email that I did at the weekend in reply to the latest step, has at least stopped the anxiety created by thinking of what I might write in my response.

catch you all on a range soon I hope ❤️🏹

Week 89 – busy busy and the BBC

A busy week, I love handing full control over to groups to manage themselves and step back and just be there for guidance and mentoring. Several of those this week. I look forward to seeing them when they discuss reviews and at the arranged drop ins. Empowering is most certainly one of the greatest aspects of what I aim for.

Not much gained in time as a number of new requests for one off or multiple sessions and another couple are groups dusting off old kit that hasn’t been used for some time. Let’s blow those cobwebs off and get some arrows shot! Love it.

In the middle of all those meetings an interview with the BBC regarding access to sports for those with disabilities and I always have a great time with Deb who took up the invitation to join me and fling some arrows and add her thoughts to the interview. Looking forward to the piece being aired and seeing everyone from across the county discuss the topics.

Busy, busy in the day job, studying going well – all 3 courses that I am doing!

At home? Some answers to some health questions, some of which we are starting to come to terms with, some which have raised more questions! Slowly plodding forward and looking at what long term adjustments are needed and for who. Family will always come first and especially my children and hopefully the many arrange appointments will help us, those who know me know I always state knowledge is power, and that might be to help us find ways to recover or just the answers to find ways to adapt and adjust.

Tonight I am off to an evening of multisports coming together, I always enjoy these environments and sharing ideas and thoughts on how we can help each other to improve access to sports and activities for everyone.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to the NFDS meeting due to other commitments but I have been updated and will move my actions forward.

week 88 – shattered but recovering

It’s been quite the week health wise! A cold, that upset my asthma and combined to give my lungs a beating! Significantly better now but not quite there, though I will be back at work today.

I believe pretty much most things are up to date message wise and lots of things planned this next week which is great but also tiring some days.

Thanks as always to the coaches who continued to deliver to existing projects whilst I was unwell, never do I take this support for granted.

Got to spend some time with Rose in practise which I always enjoy and I love that our sport is helping whilst she faces her own battles. As always archery proving it is great for the head space.

That’s it, short and sweet this week! 🙃❤️🏹

catch up with you soon

week 87 – 2024 is whizzing by

Sorry there was no update last week.
There is a lot going on at the moment that I cannot talk about yet.
Some personal and some exciting and project related.

I can say that I have enjoyed hearing that two archers who wanted to return to the sport and approached me (entirely unrelated to each other) are both back on the range and sent me messages over the weekend to update me on how those early sessions have gone and both are really happy to be back with a bow in their hands – love it 🥰

Ongoing projects are ticking along nicely thanks to the amazing coaches I work with and who are happy to stay in contact and plan together so they can help groups get on with their shooting whilst I am doing less at the moment.

Another online meeting with my input still valued across the ocean! I love the excitement of those calls. It still feels slightly unreal that I get to sit at the “virtual” table, when I reached out to my friend in 2021 it was for a friend and the opportunities that were created to offer that person were fantastic, they didn’t go ahead but to be asked to consult on community projects after those other things didn’t happen was a privilege and I love the energy of these meetings.

I haven’t had much time to even look at my own bow in the last couple of weeks, so another month when I am pleased I managed to get a score for the virtual league early on 😜🤷‍♀️❤️🏹

I breakdown stats into quarter years, another 4 weeks and I will be at a year and 9 months, I always look forward to numbers – they and the updates and feedback are always motivating.

Stay well and I hope to catch up soon.

week 85! Crikey where is time going!

Some. normalcy is returning slowly to the house. But it’s going to be months before things really settle. Don’t be offended if I don’t take your call or make you wait, I have made it clear that I am here, I am providing what I always do but that right now, me and the children are absolutely first.

what does that mean? I work full time and I am a mum. I have given 25-30 hours a week to other people’s archery for around 7 years, all voluntary. I am currently giving 15 – 20 hours a week, that’s no small amount.

This week has been meetings and calls regarding existing projects and some new ones for 2024. Calls with people I support and plans for archers, projects and coaches.

Not much time to pick up my own bow as home and work have demanded time that I rightly give. I am definitely blessed to have Jack when I come home to chat with 🤗 I am enjoying the brief time at the top of my division in the virtual archery league. I am fairly sure I have predicted the outcome but we’ll see if I am right in the next couple of months 🙃

I am looking forward to Sunday afternoon with DISC, always a great session and I really did miss last month’s, though the cancellation was for very good reason, I always come away inspired and motivated.

Right I am being shouted for my lunch before going to work, 25 hours on house and I have promised Jack some time to chill tomorrow evening so anything coming in will likely be answered Thursday.

Have a good week ❤️🏹

week 84 (+ 2 days 🙃) what do you do with your medals?

I remember talking to my son after completing my beginners course and saying that summer I would do 2 competitions that were club only, put on more for social reasons that serious competition and it would give me several months to practise. He and my daughter love competitions and most Sundays saw us sat somewhere watching them shoot. He calmly replied that I had been entered for a great competition they had chosen for me in March – 5 weeks away!

What I had planned to be 2 gentle competitions late summer, became constant Sunday peace on the line. Never have I competed to beat anyone else – 6 years on and all I ever do is compare me to me.

That first summer saw me receive an invitation to shoot for the county, I recall the anxiety of walking onto the field for that first county competition, that was soon taken care of, never have I had a warmer welcome than that morning and many of those people are some of the most supportive, amazing friends in my life – family for sure. I have been blessed to earn a county year bar every year from 2018 – 2023, time will tell if the work I am doing to continue shooting will see me earn one for 2024? Certainly having the county captain as a shooting buddy has helped me stay when I might have quit the sport entirely.

I have earned lots of medals in my 6 years of shooting, there have been a range of achievements and on a few occasions I’ve been given a medal when there was only me in my category. I remember the first time that happened and wondering if it was at all meaningful? I was told that it represented the many hours of shooting I had put in before the competition, the hard days, the painful days, the days when I might not have picked up my bow but didn’t give up. So those few medals do actually carry meaning for me, helped by the fact that I have always kept a shooting diary and so I can see what went into the build up for each.

Flight has seen me earn national medals, 4 golds in 2021 and 2 golds, a silver and a bronze in 2022. 2023 saw circumstances keep me away from the competitions but hopefully this will not be the case in 2024, I love flight 🏹

Anyone who knows me knows that whilst I will always celebrate with you, I measure achievements in much more than medals. From a child who was being excluded from class daily who excelled when picking up a bow with us and gradually took that discipline into class and 8 months later their teacher emailed me to say they had just completed a month of being in class all day every day! A child who had become stuck in the house for many many months due to mental health issues created in lockdown, who gradually, steadily took the time to build up the courage to join me in our pjs to stand on the range!

In order to celebrate achievements I created the progress awards for those who are learning on a slower path than a traditional club environment may provide. I have celebrated with cake, hot chocolate, stickers, laughter …… many things. Occasionally I see something special that gives a reason to do something a little different. With this in mind I sometimes give away my medals, I explain what it is, how I came to have it, the effort it took not just on the day I received it. 2 of those have been a national gold medal.

In 2021 I had the pleasure of meeting an amazing young man, quiet, intelligent and awesome. Initially anxious, gradually settling, week after week feeling more comfortable. Some times we would share some lemon cake, a great ice breaker and I often believe it’s easier to be brave with food or drink in our hands, like a safety blanket. In May 2022 I had seen him flourish and again felt the privilege of someone who had trusted me. I gave him a gold medal, explained what it was and told him he deserved this for the efforts he had made, week after week, to walk in and gradually grow more comfort when social anxiety was very clearly a massive issue.

The other one? A special young man, who watched his grandfather, his best friend, battle cancer but ultimately loose that fight. In those early weeks of grieiving this young man had to travel across the world to spend time with family, many who he had either never met or only chatted with over FaceTime. Coming together because there was another significant loss in our family. In a strange country, surrounded by grief whilst dealing with loosing his grandfather he was brave enough to let us all in, and to let me take him almost 2 hours away to walk him onto a range and spend some time shooting arrows, a strange new sport, in a strange country with strangers. Since February 2023 that medal has lived across the Atlantic with a brave young man 🥰

So what do you do with your medals? I have photos of all of them and my diaries to tell me what and when I earned them so most are in a box that I put them in, but some of my medals are out there with others, including those 2 medals, doing a little bit of extra work ❤️🏹