Ticking on, busy weekend ahead.

With everything going on my time is restricted but I am gradually picking up on communications properly and starting to make plans for 2023. There should be a flurry of emails coming out over the weekend and I have a plan now for the next 5 weeks of work and personal life, I will be splitting my time between Northamptonshire and Derbyshire so meetings that had been planned for face to face may find themselves on zoom or alternative, thank you to those have done that with me this week already.

New contacts and existing projects are all slowly moving forward now that I can settle into a routine and certainly getting regular feedback on how the schools are doing is a big boost to my mood. Though we are currently down a school due to a serious injury and rehabilitation for the coach – continued love and best wishes to Julie for a great and smooth recovery. This week has seen 218 return to shooting. Thank you to all the coaches who are helping this happen whilst supporting me.

Short but sweet, I look forward to seeing the few people I have managed to squeeze in next week for face to face meetings, I have no doubt that being around some arrows will help lift me ❤️🏹

See you all soon and thank you for your continued support.