Planning, planning and planning – and hot chocolate 🍫

So far this week it’s been paperwork, meetings, webinars. Learning and planning and quite a bit going into the 2024 calendar, some exciting new things and lots being accepted by the great company of coaches who choose to work with Integr8Archery and have formed an amazing team when working together.

One of the elements of the regional safeguarding officer role for EMAS is providing a supportive network for clubs and counties and I often work with other safeguarding officers as a result. Recently WOAC has found themselves without a safeguarding officer and whilst they take the time to find the best fit for a replacement I am standing in to help them. I joined them at club in Saturday to chat with people I know and to get to know those I haven’t met before. Despite it being nippy it was a great visit and I met Flopsy who I shared hot chocolate with whilst we watched his archer shooting her arrows 😊❤️🏹

A couple of different people came to speak with me about what the role of safeguarding officer is, interesting to get 2 very different perspectives. I see the role as:

Club Welfare Officers play a key role in ensuring that that club members have a safe and positive experience at their club. Welfare Officers are key to all members knowing what to do and who to speak to if they have a safeguarding or discipline or conduct concern. We look after children and vulnerable adults and their well-being and welfare. Anyone can be vulnerable and for many it’s a temporary situation. Sometimes we are just signposting to relevant places and often it’s just discussing small things we can change to ensure everyone has the most positive experience. Sometimes it’s the big things – sure, but day to day is often learning and sharing knowledge.

I was disappointed to have cancelled a session with DISC to allow me to help an archer with something, but the organisers of their weekend didn’t take the steps for their weekend. Frustration kicked in for sure as it’s an example of how things don’t always go to plan and in this particular instance it’s a disabled archer who we have been trying to make arrangements for since July. Back to the drawing board and luckily as an overthinker I always have several back up plans so I have picked up plan 4! Fingers crossed.

Right, off out to watch some arrows get flung across the range, I really want to shoot my bow and it’s a little frustrating that I haven’t for almost 2 weeks!!

Stay warm and safe folks 🤗