Week 43 – events, #greatarrowcount, county records!

Another busy week, finalising details for the start archery event which I am now looking forward to, and I love the idea that is going to also include a celebration for the community group who will be attending.

We have had to change the date for the disability archers getting together and catching up with Nick Wilson, but there is news to come about how we are turning this one off get together into something more frequent which will be jointly hosted with Towcester Archers. Sorry to those who can no longer join us on the initial date but if the new date means you can now come please do get in touch with me.

I dropped into a session with Weavers School which Chris and Jack run, great to catch up and see for myself what’s happening there.

Apologies to Maggie who I was joining to help with the Leicestershire introductions to soft archery with primary schools, I was unwell but Maggie did a great job for the county with the almost 20 schools she presented to.

Two weeks in for me, for the great arrow count as I couldn’t start until I got home from volunteering for the European Grand Prix – 1020 arrows is half my preferred volume for 2 weeks but I am settling into my new job and the shifts plus lots of training so I am not really disappointed with those numbers! Looking forward to the coming weeks as I settle properly and get my routine back, let’s be honest the last 2 – 3 years had seen my routine crushed, so things are looking good!

Finally got my act together with the information that had mangled in sending to the county records officer who has been very patient whilst he waited for me to fix it, but my flight county records are now official – so that’s a confirmed target for 2023 – new distances to replace those certificates! 😂❤️🏹

Without a doubt I love my sport, I have been forever grateful that the county team welcomed me in the summer of 2018 as a novice and stuck by me when I struggled. My flight family though, welcomed me and kept me shooting when I would have walked away and everything I achieve there is down to the truly most welcoming environment I believe you will find in archery. Seriously, can you imagine walking onto the field for the British Target Champs or the range of the indoor championships and saying can you teach me I have never shot? 😱🫣😂 In 2021 that’s exactly what flight archers offered, bring your kit to the national championships and we will teach you on the line, 4 national gold medals that first year and then the following year 2 national golds, a silver and a bronze. My masters in flight and my raptor badge! Let’s see what my third season – 2023 brings😎

Right, I have emails to send and soup to eat before work, take care and enjoy the sunshine even if it’s not quite warm yet 😉❤️🏹