So far this week has all been about bridges – real and literal

Meetings with coaches who work on my archery in education project and who have been amazing this last couple of months at keeping me up to date with what is happening when I can’t drop in. Early morning, lunch time and late evenings have been maximised to catch up in person and make sure that Integr8Archery continue to provide the best opportunities for the children we work with. Feed back on groups and individuals to allow us to look at what adjustments are needed has been vital.

I have loved the news of children progressing and that they are enjoying pushing themselves, and challenging their coaches to find ways of achieving the goals they have set themselves.

The latest conversation with the activity partnership has put me in touch with a couple of new groups in the Muslim community and conversations have started there around what we can achieve together. Exciting as always. That conversation with the activity partnership also gave us ideas of new ways we can help each other for a numbers of grassroots projects.

So excited around the ideas for our school partnership, and that the ideas I had bouncing around for revenue for the school and for Integr8Archery to continue the community links. Our Tournament Organiser rightly wanted to know what he was signing up for before agreeing but he’s in and we will have amazing news over the coming weeks and months around our plans. He knows me well enough that we would have told me I was crazy of it wasn’t achievable 😂😂 glad to have him on board and looking forward to the future.

So that’s the relationship bridges.

How about the real bridges?

In place of flowers for dad’s funeral on the 6/2/23 we have already publicised that we would prefer donations that will be split between Ashgate Hospice and Blythe House Hospice.

To date we have donations totalling £680 to be split between the two, and we are incredibly grateful to his friends at the RAOB, particularly Pilsley Lodge who have been incredibly supportive.

On the 1/1/23 when we called 111 we were blessed to be in the area covered by the Rapid Response Palliative Care Car which had literally been put into service just a few weeks earlier and is funded to cover the High Peak and Derbyshire Dales areas.

They came to support us in the care and decisions around dad’s wishes. Their support over those 3 days and nights was vital in allowing us to carry out what dad had requested those few short months earlier when he received his diagnosis.

That first visit whilst we were doing paperwork and chatting I discussed with Jill and her colleague a joint love of crazy ideas and things we have done before to raise money for charity, and we made an agreement that when things were ready we would tick off an item to raise money for charity – that shared item on each of our wish lists will take a little longer to plan and so with the fundraising team at Blythe House we are starting the work now to allow us to achieve that in 2024, but in the meantime – 2023 will see me throw myself off another height for charity, I will share details on how you can sponsor me in the coming days but for now, pencil this date in your diary and if you want to come and support anyone taking part – well, it’s a beautiful spot for a stroll anyhow 🤗🥰

Dad has often told me I am mad, he’d surely be disappointed if I gave up the family crazy streak now 😉😂

So enjoy your weekend and let me know how you are doing 🤗 May your arrows fly strong ❤️🏹