Flu for me and then in my dash to catch up – I broke the website!!!!

Hello!! πŸ«£πŸ˜‚πŸ™ƒ

8 days in the house with flu and some scary moments in there when it attacked my asthma! But I think I am now well and truly on the mend.

So today I thought I would catch up properly with everything and get up to date and broke the website in my enthusiasm!! Thank goodness for the very lovely people at one.com who with significant patience have got me sorted 😍

So this is now much later in the day than intended and I have still got lots to do, so as a result this will be short.

The schools have all broken up for Christmas break and the children appear to have had lots of fun in their final sessions and were mostly sent home with sweets as a result of their Christmas shooting activities. Thank you to all of the teachers, school instructors, Maggie, Duncan, Jack, Chris and Julie for another fantastic term with over 250 children shooting on a weekly basis, amazing work.

Much love to Julie on her recovery following an accident on the icy paths, please be careful in this weather people.

Tidying up plans in the coming days ready for the new year so we can relax for a few days over the Christmas break.

So pleased to hear that the funding we applied for from Northants Sports has been granted to allow Chris to bump up her training from years as an instructor to now become a sessions coach, I guess that means that the last 15 months on the education project and being a committee member for the club from August didn’t scare you off πŸ˜‰

Thank you for your commitment to the work that we are doing, never do I take it for granted.

The plans have been set for my disability coach training in the new year and I am thrilled that they have accepted my offer to help out at two clubs on my Saturdays to consolidate my training and utilise me when I make those trips to London rather than the usual one. It’s going to be exciting learning how to deliver 5 new sports in an adaptive environment.

Have a good weekend, shoot strong, stay safe and warm ❀️🏹 and in case you are too busy with plans in the coming days, have a fantastic Christmas break πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„