A day late but I think that can be forgiven considering how I have spent my recent days.
This week has been amazing, there is no secret that I lost my way, it was taken quite dramatically but with the care and support of amazing people I am finding my way forward.
Seeing all of the juniors from across Europe this week has only fuelled that, talking to other teams and hearing that we all seem to have the same issues wherever we are makes me want to create what change I can and there’s certainly a lot that needs doing. But together we will do it.
Meetings with manufacturers and discussions about prototype products, the National Governing Body and how we move our collaborations forwards and after weeks of conversations with a friend with the same aims and similar work, definitely a collaborative team effort to move forward.
I am proud of what I have achieved by setting up my little company and being given the status that will mean I get to protect it going forward.
Now the work really begins – lets do this!
And those who know me well, know my long term plan was always to grow up and be a judge, conversations in recent weeks to consider bringing this goal forward, see my intentions cemented after 10 days with a group of judges who have encouraged and shared knowledge – archery is a community and you are never amongst strangers. I am passionate about my sport, that is something no one can take away from me, try as they did.
Thank you to everyone who has given me even the smallest support in the last 9 months, it’s been stormy and it’s not passed yet, but we will do amazing things together.