week 80 – plans/decisions and what might 2024 bring?

Well the plans suggest that most of my arrows for January will be shot at home 🫣 not terrible but not ideal 🤷‍♀️

Trying to resolve kit issues for several projects, fingers crossed there. Finalising plans risk assessments for new projects, looking at coach availability for different groups and deciding who will work best where? I love this bit because when I get it right the relationships that form allow the archery to flourish.

Looking at where to step back, and trimming some things, part of a slow, long term process but incredibly important for the future.

Red January is going well considering the amount of time I have spent at work, so I am happy there.

lots of reading for NFDS and what we might do with the constitution ready for next week’s meeting.

plans around competitions for indoors and outdoors and of course Dunster in the summer, along with volunteering in and out of archery.

Time with my warhammer and very much looking forward to this week’s booked painting lesson – exciting 😊

So, you won’t have seen much of me but I am busy working away. Catch up with you soon ❤️🏹