Thank you goes a long way, certainly better than being ignored 🥰🏹

These cards make me smile, volunteering is a huge part of my life, I give so many hours to it, the big multi day events always have a point where I wonder what I am doing, long days and away from home, my health gets pushed by what I am doing, but the people I am with and what we are achieving make it worth it and I stay to the end. Within a couple of days I am ready to be off back to the next one 😂 and look proudly back on what we did. These little cards arrive a couple of weeks after, they carry messages from Katy and Jon and thy mean a lot. Volunteers don’t ask for much but they do ask to be treated with respect and kindness and when everything is packed away Thankyou is priceless.

Counter balance to that is when you don’t need anything or you have become self sustaining and want to step away, just a simple, thank you for helping arrange that and we are now sorted. So very much better than just not replying to messages, saves me time too. Integr8Archery has a purpose, to put bows in hands, to give everyone access to our sport, and for those who want it, to help you set up your group, become sustainable and where it’s wanted to provide coaches for long term mentoring. I also help find and apply for grants for those who want help with funding. Thank you, we’re sorted means I get to draw a line and not wonder what you are needing, it also means that I am still here if you ever find you have a question or need help, there is a very small list of people who I will not work with again, and all of those are simply due to the way I was treated, three I have never actually worked with! Go figure! But I love the feeling that you are on your feet and sorted, so please don’t just ignore my messages because you are not sure how to say, thanks, we’re ok now.

Some visits arranged for the next two days to help people look at what is the most appropriate delivery for their group and setting and these early stages are always exciting as people from outside the sport often see limits where there are none.

Next weekend is going to be incredibly busy, my first competition of the outdoor season and our first session with Wellingborough Muslim Community which is including a celebration for them and a great way to deliver our first start archery event.

I am visiting home this weekend with lots of things to catch up on and today me, mum and my aunt are off to one of our favourite spots to catch up in a little restaurant we love for their amazing fish and chips. So I hope you also enjoy your weekend and take advantage of the fact that for many it’s a little longer than usual. Let me know how you get on, I love hearing how you are all doing.

Take care and may your arrows fly strong ❤️🏹