Happy Christmas

What has this week been so far?

Tidying up plans for 2023, reviewing that last 6 months and what went well and where I can improve, funding applications and planning to be on the radio in the new year 😱

Christmas planning, if like me you don’t actually like Christmas it’s always a challenge! We smile and get on with it because it’s easier than defending our position, but if you need a place to scream, give me a shout.

That being said have a great Christmas and enjoy whatever you do, and I hope that whatever happens you manage to find time for maybe a frostbite shoot or some other fresh air activity. No frostbite for me this year on Boxing Day instead a day with friends and muddy bikes, I have always gotten thrills standing at the edge of a racing track so if I can’t shoot being amongst petrol heads will be great fun.

For now a coffee and Christmas clothes to pop over to the range and see friends.

See in a couple of days and take care.
