week 142 – time flies πŸ™ƒ

I do not know how time moves so quickly!

I have managed to carve out some time from everything else to shoot some arrows of my own though which is always good, particularly when the weather has been so very beautiful this week.

Sad that a project I have delivered to for almost the full life of Integr8archery CIC has come to an end, I understand the thinking but it’s been somewhere that I love going to and I have spent time with amazing people and I have seen some young people thrive with a bow in their hands. I wish everyone at DISC and Northamptonshire Carers all the very best as they launch their second location to allow new people to join in their activities.

I have seen the best and worst of people this week in my work and my sport and it reminds me that not everyone follows the belief that we should do things in the right way and that we should be kind. It’s not ok to annihilate a person on social media under the guise of raising awareness, mental health matters and no one has the right to crush another person just because they are upset. There are processes and ways of doing things and even if you want to make something public, do it in the right manner, in this case your issues are with an organisation but you have made it incredibly personal for those that have woken up to find the posts on social media. Not ok!

Next week is another stats sharing week as I will hit another quarter and I am going to plan my calendar for the coming summer as I intend to enjoy shooting my bow and catching up with friends whilst doing some judging. Here’s to some fun this summer.

have a good weekend, spring is officially here so bring on the outdoor season πŸ₯°πŸŒ·