week 139! I have. I have no idea where 2025 has gone so far!

It’s ok to change plans, to look after yourself first, in fact it’s something that you should do!
sometimes it can make you feel guilty for cancelling a plan, not doing something for someone else and you can limit the explanation that you give, they don’t have a right to know everything all of the time. You have the right to put yourself first and it’s ok to say that!

Lots of work this week and some meetings fitting in around shifts, loved the productivity of the NCAS meeting and the enthusiasm of doing the best for the county. Like minded people together can always achieve so much.

safeguarding has played a big part in my time over the last few weeks and it does mean that some things have had to wait but anyone who knows me understands that safeguarding is the absolute first priority so I don’t apologise for this!

A quick check in on projects is showing that things are going well and there are lots of people, predominantly school children having fun with arrows. As the weather is picking up other groups will come back on line over the next few weeks and I am looking forward to catching up with the amazing folks at DISC this coming weekend, I love these sessions.

over the next couple of weeks I have a chunk of annual leave and will be catching up on lots of things and I have plans for shooting and attending a wedding! Lots of catching up with friends too, so hopefully by the 12/3/25 everyone waiting for anything should have what they want from me 🙃

enjoy the weekend and do let me know how you are doing, I enjoy hearing your news.