It didn’t take very long after getting home to feel like Dunster was a distant memory! Home Monday evening and back to work Tuesday for a late, sleep, early shift 🫣 great to see the young people but emotionally exhausted by the time I got home.
Resilience – Resilience is the ability to move through and grow from difficult times. It’s a skill you develop over time from the lessons and experiences you absorb as you grow up and face challenges.
Well I have that, thankfully!
A chat about my week and the issues I had in Dunster, sees the beginnings of a plan formed for moving forward, great stuff! A few weeks also where flight becomes my focus and so that will help me relax and process all that Dunster was. If we go back to 2022 I had planned a week in Dunster, since this was the 150th I made it two. 2025? I’m thinking at most, longbow day but unsure about going back, time will tell. It’s been great for teaching me things, for which I am grateful.
Whilst away I had attended a number of online meetings and stayed on top of messages so that made life much simpler on returning home, especially with the attention having to be firmly on work.
lots planned over coming weeks so I will be busy at least 😂