week 105 – the start of year 3 😎

Thank you for the messages last week for the 2nd birthday of Integr8archery CIC, I never take support for granted, and I loved all of the photos of cake! 🍰

It was a busy week and certainly hit hard by the issues that saw my peak flow tank to emergency levels, forever grateful to the NHS and the care they give. Thank you to those who allowed me to make adjustments to meetings and calls and to those who have had to listen to me squeak all week! For those who have known me a long time my Dysphonia is nothing new and the use of steroids and nebulisers always trigger issues but some will recall the 2 periods of speech therapy I have had to have in the past, the good news is that with the daily exercises and reduction in steroids things are slowly returning to normal.

Particularly great news as I will be helping Northamptonshire Sport deliver the amazing event that always sees the culmination of the school games, schools enter their teams for each sport that they have taken part in over the previous months. 10 schools have entered a team for their first ever archery competition – an indoor short metric. Exciting stuff and I cannot wait to share the competition element of our sport. Hopefully I will get a new photo of me and Blaze too, last one was taken 2 years ago! Still would love to see Blaze and Fletch on the range together – maybe one day!

One of the hardest things is having to draw a line under projects that aren’t working for whatever reason, this week has seen a couple of those decisions and it’s why I carry out regular reviews and keep stats on everything, allows an impartial decision to be made. I never say never, and where possible we have returned to projects and restarted after some down time, so who knows what the future holds?

New dates put in the calendar to see the rest of 2024 committed to some existing collaborations and also 3 new community groups in the calendar for multiple sessions, exciting – let’s hope we get fair weather for the new groups to sustain their enthusiasm until they get into the routine.

JNOC this weekend, and as I have taken the summer off from AGB competition volunteering it will allow me to be a parent and also to support a number of young people who always come and find me on the range. Time to catch up with friends too and I will definitely be carrying lots of hugs with me πŸ€—

Much of my preparations have been done for going off to Dunster week, so looking forward to this but expecting rubbish shooting as I just seem unable to get a consistent draw following all of the changes. Dunster offers the ability to have 8 days of shooting with a variety of things on offer, last year I took part in everything except clout. This year I have decided on 5 days and the 2 final days I have opted to make those the national rounds rather than the longer days that I love. Health and balance is important, if I want to go I have to try and be sensible!

With some understanding from colleagues I have managed to get time from work to allow me to attend two of this seasons flight competitions – I love flight it is my favourite of all shooting.

Have a good week and I look forward to seeing you all soon ❀️🏹