Well it’s been a busy week of CPD related training in safeguarding and disability delivery. I do enjoy multi sport sessions that take subjects and make us think from different view points, sharing thoughts and ideas and everyone leaving feeling motivated.
Speaking of motivation, my employer asked people to consider if we would sign up to be White Ribbon UK ambassadors and champions. They are working to words the organisational accreditation. Reading the values and aims it was an easy decision and I submitted my application, yesterday I received notification that I have been accepted and can now announce that I am a White Ribbon UK champion. Particularly well timed as the 25th November had seen me take part in the reclaim the night event in Northampton, always a touching and motivating event hosted by Northampton Rape Crisis team.
This is a topic that we all see on some level but I see in a variety of areas of my life. I am always inspired by the sessions we host for ladies in refuge and like wise the sessions hosted for the various youth groups where individuals have experienced violence in some form.
Now I shall start the conversation regarding how we will make the difference to create lasting change.
Lots of preparation being done to get the school and club back up and running which feels immensely promising and getting us back on track there.
I have spent some time this week supporting archers who had reached out and asked me to go along and talk some things over, I love catching up with those I haven’t seen for a while so thank you for asking me along.
lots happening this week, not least the volunteering for the indoor nationals so I look forward to seeing some of you there.