Momentum is gathering, so many meetings in the next 4 weeks! 1 national governing body, 2 activity partnerships, 2 counties, 1 region, 3 schools, 4 meetings with project coaches, 1 tournament organiser, children’s coaching collaborative, we are undefeatable webinar, catching up with Belong, Youth Sports Trust, 5 local community groups – 3 to discuss brand new projects.
So if you want a chat, drop me a line and we will get it arranged.
Just a warning for those who see me in person I am currently in my sugar rush without the sugar excited mood – I know you don’t all know quite what to do with me when I am excited about news!!! 😂😂
Also fingers crossed as Disability Sports Coach are looking into what we can do to restart my training as I had to suspend my course with what has happened in the last 5 weeks, hopefully we will find a way to get back on track and I can crack on with learning 5 new sports.
Whatever your weekend holds, stay safe, stay warm and enjoy ❤️🏹