Jack started Warhammer modelling around 2018, his armies grew and I would take him and his friends to a local venue who hosted an evening once a month for like minded people to come together and build, paint and play. Occasionally I would sit and build/paint that month’s free model but often I would sit and read my book and have a coffee whilst the boys enjoyed their hobby.
Fast forward to 2023, I came home from a late shift between Christmas and New Year and Jack gave me my Christmas present- a Warhammer Age of Sigmar beginners box, he had recalled a conversation from the summer of 2020 and started my army – Idoneth Deepkin.
Archery calms my mind, if I don’t clear my head those arrows won’t be anywhere near where they need to go! But in the last couple of years there has also been a significant amount of stress for me within the sport and some very serious consideration being given into if I need to step away from it all. Added to this the issues with the nerves in my hand.
Jack’s gift has been so much more than a box of bits to build, it has been the gift of time to sit and clear my mind, build, paint, play, I soon found the many books in the black library and painting is physio for my motor skills. The issues with my hand can make building and painting hard work and fine detail is messy but I love it and it does improve the use of my hand.
I was aware that many of my archery friends enjoyed Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons and similar hobbies, I am aware of just how very many of us there are building, painting and playing when not shooting. It’s definitely got a lot to do with the mental health side, the peace my mind finds when I am sat at the table with a paintbrush in my hand rivals the peace I find on the shooting line for sure.
A few weeks ago whilst out doing something else entirely I found an amazing charity, something that I could tie my own new found peace from modelling and helping mental health with my love of volunteering, so watch this space and in the coming weeks I may have news to share about something new I am doing with some of my time.