Week 121 – success is measured in smiles 😊

The highlight of this week was most definitely my first session at Brampton View Care Home. We have been arranging this for a while and due to work I had to cancel our first arranged date. It was definitely worth the wait, an afternoon spent with a lovely group of ladies. New dates being arranged for the future and I am very much looking forward to it.

As always the day job is extremely busy and so I have had limited time for the last 6 weeks and I work hard at balance, so please bear with me if I don’t have the first date/time you ask for.

In unrelated news I have a date for my wing walk, this is so important to me as it was the last promise I made to dad as he declared that I am “bloody bonkers”. So 27th June 2025 should see me flying attached to the outside of the plane. There will be more about this, likely after Christmas but I am excited for it.

Ongoing projects are going well and it’s amazing to see some of the places who welcomed me in with Integr8archery CIC right at the beginning along with those groups started within the last 6 months really starting to bed in.

So many smiling faces across many groups, I really use smiles as a measure of how we are doing, and I love seeing them.

Thank you for trusting me to introduce you all to my sport, in my opinion it is the best there is ❤️🏹