week 113 – events for me and for others ❤️🏹

This has been a crazy busy week, trying to fit everything in has been exhausting but I have pulled it off, I think 🤔

The meetings, online and in person were all attended. Crazy shifts at work all done and emotionally and mentally exhausting they were too. A couple of reviews were completed for existing projects. Plans to move short term to long term for 2 projects, created and discussed and now to get them up and running. The art show/auction attended and proud to have played a tiny part in raising money to enable Off the Streets to fund more bleed kits and I won the silent action for the piece that I had bid on!

Helping others to do their bits for the community is part if what we all do and when I get my desk set up in a few weeks this will be hanging on the wall close by for sure.

Saturday the decision was made to call of the activity session for the seniors group, where we are it was wet and incredibly windy, they had warned the tail end of the hurricane was going to hit but we had tried to remain optimistic 🤗

Sunday saw the National Flight Championships and I had decided to enter only 2 categories for a variety of reasons. In 2021 I came home with 4 golds, in 2022 I came home with two golds, a silver and a bronze. 2023 saw my flight interrupted for incredibly valid reasons. For 2024 I had originally set my goals as beat the 2 county records that I set in 2022 so that the new ones would see my club changed. Also to earn my next raptor badge having earned the Merlin in 2022.

The decision to shoot only 2 categories meant I would only have the chance to break my county record in Target Compound not exceeding 45lb. As I wasn’t going to be shooting the flight recurve bow. Break the county record I did, plus laid down the first of the 2 required distance to earn the kestrel raptor badge.

My little longbow measured in at 19lb which meant she was easily over matched in the Not Exceeding 35lb but I shoot this bow because it makes me smile.

I also ended the day with a silver medal in my compound category – not too shabby!

Monday saw the Northern Counties regional flight and here I achieved the second score I needed to claim my kestrel raptor badge 🥳

I also manage to beat my new county record for my target bow NE 45lb 🥳 excellent news

I am very happy, how could I not be, I am surrounded by amazing friends when I shoot flight and I would never change that! Flight is my most favorite form of archery but I have had to pay for putting my body through all of that 😱🤷‍♀️🫣

Tuesday I would gladly have stayed in bed but I had a session arranged for the amazing young people to have a session @ Kingswood in Corby. Another great session and thanking everyone as always for everyone’s warm welcome each time we come over.

The SEND sessions are an awesome chance for those who, for various reasons, have found other sports/activities are not right for them 🤗

I am incredibly proud of the young people who have helped me deliver the sessions over the summer, all 4 have been amazing 😎 thank you

The pointy sessions have been well attended and it’s been great watching the young people develop confidence with each session.

Without a doubt the theme of the week has been friendship, without it I would certainly have struggled in such a busy week.

Catch up with you all soon ❤️🏹