Week 106 – wow, such a lot crammed into this one!

It’s been a busy 7 days!
Couple of safeguarding meetings that went well and hopefully issues can be resolved soon.

School games finals day, always great fun, the months of activity across the county and for many, the chance try new sports and choose one to focus on, and compete to get to finals day. Northamptonshire Sports do such an amazing job of ensuring teams, schools and providers all do what we need to across the months. Over 1100 children come together across the various sports and 10 school teams of 4 came together for the archery finals. Children from years 5 to 10 put on an amazing display and a great day was had.

The weekend saw JNOC and as I have withdrawn from AGB competition volunteering for this outdoor season it was a little strange at times but I had plenty to keep me busy. Supporting Rose is always great and a privilege, she blows me away. What she’s gone through since October would have stopped many but she has continued and the sport has, at times, kept her going. No medals but a well earned blue rose award.

In addition I was able to support the amazing team from Ebbsfleet Academy and have the rare chance to chat face to face with all of the committee and Deb managed to get a team photo of us all together ❤️🏹

I was able to support 9 other individuals and a few parents who I support always plus a bunch of others from across the county and wider, I am proud of everyone of them and saw some medals, some new PB’s, some English federation crosses and some rose awards claimed. As always accompanied by the weather dome that is Lilleshall and provided some turbulent conditions at times. Awesome work by everyone.

Home and back to work, now tidying everything up ready for heading off to Dunster at the weekend. Following my trip to a&e 2 weeks ago I have made some responsible decisions about what I should be shooting and of the possible days I have entered 5. My set up is not right and there will not be time to make the corrections needed so I am expecting absolutely nothing, not even decent scores! But I will be spending time with great friends and that is what I am going for – that and the ice cream 😜

So, prepare for next week being reduced communication 🙃

Enjoy whatever the next couple of weeks hold ❤️🏹