week 93 – studying, crazy work weekend and a few arrows


Busy week, started with the radio on the Wednesday, then some planning meetings, then the crazy weekend where I work from Friday to Monday and it is a lot but itโ€™s so worth it too. It is a privilege to be allowed into the lifeโ€™s of these young people and especially when I get things like this –

I love that so many people keep me updated with what is happening in their archery and other achievements but especially on these weekends when I am cut off from you all.

Then the results from the Virtual Archery League and after taking part every year since 19/20 I was thrilled to discover I had earned the gold medal for my division, first time I have earned a medal here and it feels good, particularly after seriously questioning if it was time to quit rather than face the next battle of change in my quest to continue shooting, but when your friend gets the manufacturer to donate new cams to me, the county captain fitted them to my bow and then stood by me as I made the decisions to carry my shooting forwards.

Home from work, sleep, caught up with the emails, messages and everything else and then study! I am currently doing three different courses and may loose my marbles by the time I get to the end of them ๐Ÿ˜‚ Level 3 in Residential Childrenโ€™s Care, level 4 Accredited Qualification in Child Sexual Exploitation and level 5 in Positive Behaviour Support. So if I say I am studying – I really am ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

So thatโ€™s my week! I love this sport, I love the privilege of being allowed to introduce people to it and for those in it who need a cheerleader, supporter and/or friend – these people share with me their moments โค๏ธ๐Ÿน