Sorry it’s late, I started work at 14:30 Monday and finished at 15:30 Tuesday, nothing unusual there but then I headed straight north to pick up mum and come home ready to take her to the airport Wednesday morning. We ended up spending most of Wednesday sat on the m25! But all worth it as I have had the news that mum has arrived safely in Australia to visit with my sister.
My question today is do you look after yourself as well as you look after your archery kit? I know I don’t and I suspect few people actually do. We appreciate that out kit needs care to ensure it performs to it’s fullest potential yet seem to expect ourselves to just get on, we ignore symptoms of physical illness and mental health issues, so I just wanted to ask you all to take a look at yourself and be truthful do you need to do something to get yourself in the best shape? If you do please take the time.
I think of dad daily but this last week or so he’s been especially in my mind as I think of how a year ago we were all preparing to gather and spend as much time as we could together as we knew it was going to be limited in time before we had to say goodbye, he knew he wasn’t well, he kept going back, he repeatedly stated he believed it was cancer (not an unusual worry with our family history), but the answers they gave were not unreasonable. However it took months to get the correct diagnosis and when he did it was too late. He tried to be here as long as he could but we only had 6 and a half months following his diagnosis.
We don’t hold grudges or blame anyone, but we do desperately want everyone to think about if they are well and do they need to check. I have mentioned it before and every now and then will remind you, if you aren’t well – you need to be. Dad’s story was published by the hospice and I shall share it again.
He loved to chat and hear how things were going with my “little business” and was always proud of the time I give to others, he is one of the reasons you get my blog updates, I can no longer share with him but I can continue to share with everyone else.
Look after yourself the same as you look after your kit! And for those who don’t look after their kit – sort that too 😜
What has happened this last week, planning mostly, a couple of webinars and some meetings. Exciting new collaborations on the horizon and some new groups looking to start work with me. Three coaches who have approached me to ask to do some work where I might need them and some volunteers who have asked if they can give time to Integr8Archery. Excellent 👌
See you all on a range sometime soon ❤️🏹