Thank you to everyone who honoured my request to be allowed to have 10 days for me, I have never made such a request and most people allowed me that time.
Since getting home I have cleared the majority of messages across various platforms but don’t worry if I haven’t gotten to you yet it certainly doesn’t mean I have forgotten you.
I am now deep into arranging the new academic year for existing and new schools. Some projects coming to life that I started work on as much as 2 years ago, some with some adjustments and some with massive changes but exciting to see things finally coming together.
Some new projects bubbling, a couple with other local CIC’s as together we are stronger.
Some people who have asked me to be involved in helping them through changes to remain or return to archery, this is always a privilege.
My flight season kicks off soon and some more workshops being requested but also a possible plan for hosting a competition in the 2024 calendar if we can pin down details 🤞🏻
Of course – meetings, meetings, meetings and some webinars in the next few weeks and I think I have finally decided on my next steps to studying and I have certainly narrowed down my thoughts for my level 2 coaching – I love my sport and everything it gives me but one of the most important lessons I have learned is that ability to step outside and breathe in multisports gives me time to heal.
I hope to see many of you in the next few weeks on a range somewhere – or an airfield!
Take care of you, remember you are each important and some times you need to put yourself first 🤗