Lots of planning and emails and online meetings again.
One of the good things we brought out of the pandemic was the willingness to chat with each other online and achieve things regardless. This has been especially helpful this week with the weather and several people I was due to meet feeling unwell and not wishing to share their germs. Grateful they didn’t make the rest of us unwell and that they carried on from their homes.
Finalised the arrangements for the first DISC session to be held on the 19th March. The plans almost confirmed for the Integr8Archery Club start archery event on the 8th May. The Integr8Archery Club sessions almost in place for launch on the 15th April.
Conversations with coaches in 2 other counties wishing to launch events to help groups in their local communities to try our sport with the aim of creating sustainable sessions.
Sharing knowledge regarding possible changes or avenues to explore to help someone remain in the sport they love, ours is such an adaptive sport.
Progression awards for the education groups (but useable by all our community groups) created and certificates designed, badges for this and a couple of other things with the designers who should have the final visuals with me by Monday – thank you Duncan for all the work you have put in on this and listening to my thoughts.
Medal ideas also with the designers for the competitions we are planning for indoor and outdoor seasons but also for some school competitions we are planning. Again I am excited for the visuals which will be with me soon.
Right, off to shoot some of my own arrows after having to cancel yesterday’s. Take care and enjoy your weekend ❤️🏹