What am i offering?
I am offering to use my experience and knowledge gained from volunteering within the world of archery since 2016 and the work that I have done on my own grassroots projects within the sport, along with the knowledge I have gained by building relationships within the sport and also out in the wider multi-sports arena to help you fulfil your own aims.
It may be that you are a coach who wants to help my projects, some coaches have chosen to do this to gain experience with a particular group who they feel they want to improve their knowledge to help, or take the work that I do into your area , club or county by using my help to start your own projects within your group.
In my time volunteering I have learned a lot, embracing pros and cons, this is the offer to allow you to take the opportunity to learn from my experiences, save yourself some time and move forward quicker. Essentially what I do is project manage. Those who have invited me to help them look at their aims, have seen a reduced planning time and faster movement for their projects.
For those who use me and those who work with me to create their own club or group within the community many stay in touch and use us as support and mentoring.
I am passionate about the ability of my sport to be available to all, in my experience there are no restrictions it’s simply finding the right people to help and work with individuals and adapting the sport to individual needs. I have been privileged to see people start a sport they excel at and that’s amazing but for myself and many of the people I have worked with it’s the ability that sport has to change lives that we get the most pleasure from .
My aim has always been to show the sport as I see it, one of the most inclusive and welcoming for all and I work particularly around equality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
To this end in 2018 I started to really look at what I could achieve and in 2019 I started creating a variety of grassroots projects from archery in education to working to support youth groups, LGBTQIA+, ethnic diverse groups of the community, disability groups, the list grows….
Some of these have been one off taster experiences including schools and business events through to creating sustainable archery in settings where we support you, ensure you receive training to take control of your own group, making it a sustainable project for those taking part and then, using Archery GB coaches, continuing to mentor archers and those newly trained instructors and coaches once you take over the running of your own sessions.
Who are the we that I refer to? Once I know what you are looking to do, I have a lot of contacts to tap in to, this enables us to give you the right support.
Interested in what you might be able to do? How we might work together? Use my contact page and let’s have a chat.
As a social enterprise, Integr8archery has been awarded the status of Community Interest Company, I will not be making personal profit. I have some costs that I need to cover, these will be kept to a minimum as the wider intention is that should any profit be made it will be put straight back into the projects. I am now essentially a professional volunteer! Dependant upon what you want to achieve there may be costs for coaches, kit hire, venues, but costs will always be discussed and explained in full.
Please remember my aim is to help grassroots sessions start within a variety of community settings, get you self sustainable and then provide support and mentoring to allow you to take your group forward. This model also allows you to keep the costs to a minimum.
Not an archery coach.
One of the things that I have discovered over time working across archery and multi sports is that there is a short supply of those able to deliver adaptive activities, after much conversation with a variety of people I have started my journey to be a Inclusive Activity Leader, which has seen me take part in the training offered by Disability Sports Coach to learn to deliver across multiple sports and I have now completed my Level 1 award in multi skills coaching assistant.